Extraordinary Links
We Support Children and Youth to Reach Their Full Potential
What We Do
It Starts With Family.
We work hard everyday to better the lives of our charity’s families through our key objectives.
— We Listen
We know that a problem shared is not quite a problem halved, but it can really help to get things off your chest. We’re here to listen.
— We Build Networks
We’re building a strong network of families who are experiencing similar issues. When we work together, we can achieve anything.
— We Strengthen
Striving to help your child develop socialisation skills and confidence to achieve their best, giving them the strength to thrive.
— We Educate
We have a reading library full of resources for you to read at a meeting, or to take home and paw over at your leisure, no rush.
— We Signpost
We can help you work out where to find the information you need and how to go about accessing local services and support.
— We Care
We’re parents ourselves.
We’re here to help you and your famiies get the most out of life.
Sign Posting
One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in the Bristol area have access to organisations who can make the greatest difference to our families. We can signpost our families to various organisations for
– funding items to make their children’s life easier
– advice on educational issues
– organisations who can advise on general issues
– specific organisations for their childs condition or disability.
Creating a Safe Environment
One of our main causes here at Extraordinary Links CIO is creating a safe environment for families to enjoy time together and build a support network for the entire family. We encourage parents of a disabled child to bring all children, as siblings need support too! See how you can help or attend our activity and support group by contacting us.
Socialisation and Confidence
One of the main reasons Extraordinary Links CIO was founded in 2020 was to ensure equity for disabled children, and ensure they have the same group experience of other children of their age.If you would like to attend our group, please contact us.
Alternatively, see how you can help us by contacting us.